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"Plan it better" - 5th April 2018, 5,00 PM, Restaurant Nervos

Spectra, Centre of Excellence and Institute of Management of STU are inviting you for 3rd Annual Planning Day under the headline "Plan it better" (5th April 2018, 5,00 PM, Restaurant Nervos). The event is organized by the students of spatial planning and will be focused on current problems of planning (presentation of project Whatcity - Mitchkiewička, brownfields discussion, profesional experiences of spatial planners and their careers). You are welcome to participate.



Restoring and managing ecological corridors in mountains as  green infrastructure in the Danube basin.

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prof. Maroš Finka - short bio

Maroš Finka

president of Association of European Schools of Planning, professor of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia and at Shanghai Jiao Tong Univerisity, China, Expert of UN Habitat III and Ministry for Investment, Regional Development and Innovations of SR, director of SPECTRA Centre of Excellence of th EU at STU in Bratislava.

Read more... Network Conference 2022: “Future of the Traces of Modernity: Public Mass housing neighbourhoods“

An annual Network Conference of (network joining Central and South European Universities and Research Institutes focused on Spatial Planning) under the headline “Future of the Traces of Modernity: Public Mass housing neighbourhoods“ will be held 26th-28th September 2022 in Bratislava. The conference will be joint event, co-organizing partners are Spectra, Centre of Excellence, AESOP, AESOP young academics and ECTP.


International Students Workshop „Positive Energy Districts - Trinational course on Integrated Spatial and Energy Planning Approaches for existing settlements“

International Students Workshop „Positive Energy Districts - Trinational course on Integrated Spatial and Energy Planning Approaches for existing settlements“ was held between 9th and 14th May in STU Bratislava and City of Trenčín. Main organizers were Institute of Management, STU Bratislava/Spectra Centre of Excellence, Belgrade University and Vienna University of Technology. More than 40 students from above mentioned universities and dozen of lecturers took part in this event, which included both theoretical (in Bratislava) and practical aspects (Trenčín) of integrated spatial and energy planning. Topics of spatial planning, climate change, energetic efficiency, sustainable energy. back-casting planning scenarions and energy governance were in the spotlight. On the final day in Trenčín, 10 groups of students presented their work focused on selected territorial areas/units in city of Trenčín, applying concept of positive energy neighbourhoods.

Students field trip to Piran (Slovenia, 21st-23rd April, 2022)

Students of master study of spatial planning at Institute of Management, STU Bratislava took part in the field trip to Slovenian coastal town of Piran. The city is one of the most historically relevant places in Slovenia, a true gem of medieval Venetian architecture set up in the marvellous landscape of northern Istra.


Challenges of spatial and urban development of Vajnory

Students of master study of Spatial planning took part in the research cooperation of the Slovak University of Technology and Municipality of Vajnory (part of Bratislava), aimed to solve various problems and challenges of spatial and urban development of Vajnory. Our students dealt with the territory of Vajnory from various interdisciplinary angles:  two groups were analysing the territory from the point of view of specific needs of particular groups of inhabitants (handicapped people, teenagers) anf their role in spatial development, foreign students from ERASMUS Exchange programme dedicated their work to revitalisation of an abandoned old airfield in Vajnory. All three presentation belonged to the most outstanding and distinguished and they yielded vibrant attention at final presentation day, 13th, January 2023 at House of Culture in Vajnory. Cooperation with Municipality of Vajnory will be prolonged also in summer semester.


BISON (H2020)


The BISON project focuses on infrastructure development and preservation of biodiversity, respectively, in order to achieve social and economic well-being. Resulting from this, two issues should be considered:

  • Spatial relationships between infrastructure location and protected areas. The majority of the infrastructure development will likely occur within or around preserved areas and ecosystems with a high level of biodiversity. This may undermine past, current and future conservation investments if spatial planning is not carefully applied. Negative consequences could include the shift of species range due to climate change and the movement of key biodiversity areas (under legal protection or not), towards areas that are also considered to meet current infrastructure demands. Predicting these shifts and (re)designing infrastructure to enhance ecosystems’ resilience, in the context of climate change, can be enhanced by applied research to address these key challenges.
  • Innovations in project design can provide a safer and more efficient infrastructure network and reduce the negative impacts on biodiversity, particularly away from protected areas. In addition, upgrading or enhancing the efficiency of existing infrastructure (rather than developing new infrastructure) should be explored as a critical solution to mitigate further land-use change and ecosystem fragmentation16. The innovation potential in this sector is aligned with the European ambition of being a leader in creating green jobs.

V4RIT-SUARR – Virtual Winter School, 14.03.2024

In the framework of the project Visegrad+ V4RIT-SUARR, Spectra, Centre of Excellence and STU Bratislava are co-organizers of Virtual Winter School "Theory is not boring"
Redevelopment and reconstruction of Transition Regions in Climate and Society changes.

On-line meeting on the ZOOM platform
14.03.2024, 9:00 - 15:00 CET time


Project management for EU urban transformation in the context of climate change and energy transition (PM4U)


“Project management for EU urban transformation in the context of climate change and energy transition" aims to address the challenges of effectively managing initiatives related to the transformation of urban areas in the European Union in the context of climate change and energy transition., by developing a Master's and PhD level module on project management for the EU urban transformation. The module is intended to provide students with knowledge and skills needed to effectively plan and implement such initiatives, and will focus on the application of project management principles and practices to real-world situations in the context of EU urban transformation.